In the heart of Alamo Heights, a story of resilience, love, and unwavering faith unfolds. Kyle and Felicia Brooks, the dynamic duo behind Integrated Outdoor Designs, recently captured the spotlight in Stroll Alamo Heights. Their journey, marked by serendipitous encounters, shared dreams, and facing life’s trials with grit and grace, is a true testament to the strength of the human spirit.
Embracing Challenges: The Brooks’ Path to Triumph
The feature in Stroll Magazine takes us on a captivating journey through the lives of Kyle and Felicia. From their chance meeting at St. Anthony de Padua to building dreams together with Integrated Outdoor Designs, the article beautifully chronicles their personal and professional milestones.
A Serendipitous Encounter: The article narrates the charming story of Kyle and Felicia’s meeting, sparked by a compliment on Kyle’s motorcycle. “Nice bike,” Felicia said, and little did they know, this chance encounter would lead to a deep and enduring romance.
Building Dreams: Integrated Outdoor Designs: Beyond their love story, the couple shares a thriving business venture. Integrated Outdoor Designs, founded in 2020, is a testament to Kyle’s architectural prowess and Felicia’s financial acumen. The business, known for crafting custom outdoor spaces, has found a warm welcome in the community.
“We’ve been through a lot, and God has been incredibly faithful to us as individuals and as a married couple.” – Felicia Brooks
Navigating Life’s Challenges Together: The couple faced a significant challenge in October 2021 when Felicia received a triple-negative breast cancer diagnosis. Their journey through chemotherapy, mastectomy, and radiation strengthened not only their bond but also their appreciation for faith, family, and unwavering support.
“Cancer has really put things in perspective. We have grown a lot closer as a family. It’s been a blessing for us personally and for us as a company.” – Kyle Brooks
Life Beyond Work: Shared Hobbies and Joys:
The article gives readers a glimpse into the Brooks’ life beyond work, showcasing their shared love for scuba diving, adventure in Cabo, and commitment to personal well-being through activities like F3 workouts. They’ve embraced life’s joys, including Felicia’s newfound love for cooking and the addition of a furry friend, Holly, to their family.
A Hallmark of Hope:
As Felicia’s energy returns, the Brooks family becomes a living testament to the power of love, faith, and community. Their optimism, rooted in their faith, serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring everyone they encounter. This month’s issue is truly honored to feature Kyle and Felicia Brooks, a couple bringing light and positivity to the vibrant community of Alamo Heights.